duminică, 14 noiembrie 2010

phoenix... from ashes

my second dailydeviation....

Daily Deviation

Given 2008-04-16
"Frequently when I am feeling down, when i hit my darkest moment I read story of the Phoenix arising from the ashes and it fills me with hope. phoenix...... from ashes by *lovelycristina depicts phoenix arising flames, from the burden, chains and darkness of today of towards freedom and bright tomorrow. The painting displays wonderful textural style and movement, composition is spot on, and it allows the beautiful, kind, amazing soul of the artist shine brightly as a guiding light for everyone to see. "(Featured by `sbaraci)

and about this painting... the reasons of making it are the incredible answers I received on deviantart when I asked this:
"dear friends.....
give me some reasons (motivations) to continue........ my work (draw and paint).
if you have, I need honest ones."

the answers are here: http://lovelycristina.deviantart.com/journal/16398409/

so no need to explain more.
was from cristina with love.

duminică, 7 noiembrie 2010

fantasy... island

my first dailydeviation at deviantart.com.

story about it:
was painted after a theme given by a good friend of mine :iconarchann:
I like to illustrate a theme, it's like an exam to me :D

I started it preparing the background in my style. I added real seahorses,  received as a gift.
the story about them: were already dead........ a friend of mine took, dry and varnish them.

but that background stayed unpainted for a while... till...
the colors was added in just one night, after a little painful storm in my life, after trying to argue to somebody very close why painting is so important to me..... I illustrated the pain in the right detail (see for yourself, there, something's bleeding....)
it's a painting born from frustrations and lots of questions (some of them still don't have answers to me...)

here you have the motivations of the ones who gave me the dailydaviation:
Daily Deviation
Given 2007-11-24
"What can be said about fantasy... other than it's beautiful, stunning, stellar, colourful. See for yourself what ~lovelycristina has created, and you will know how lovely this mixed media piece is. (Suggested by ~Aphariel and Featured by `JesusIV)"

and here you have the comment on it I love the most:

=ericthom57 Sep 5, 2007
"Been trying like heck to figure out exactly what it is that attracts me to your work...and I think I finally kinda sorta nailed it! Your work is bold, but not always in a loud sort of way. It is dramatic without screaming. It is soothing, but not lulling. It moves without racing.
Once again, beautifully done!"

joi, 4 noiembrie 2010

aveam un jurnal odata, demult. scriam in el aproape in fiecare seara... analizam ce mi s-a intamplat, faceam caz, faceam haz de necaz... acum, cuvintele se bulucesc in mine si se opresc chiar inainte de a iesi la iveala....

nu stiu exact ce va fi acest blog.

inceputul a fost usor, am postat cateva din lucrarile mele in care ma exprim fara a scoate vreun cuvant...un fel de vorba fara vorba alinatoare.
insa simt nevoia sa le explic... mai ales desenele.

incep la intamplare.......da.......

unforgettable/de neuitat

mi-e draga.
pentru ca m-am trezit intr-o dimineata acum vreo 2 ani cu un dor de tata aproape de nesuportat. a plecat prea repede dintre noi si mie mi-a lasat un gol in suflet care pur si simplu nu se poate umple.
incercand sa imi ostoiesc dorul de el,  am inceput desenand radacinile pe care mi le-a dezvoltat: ample si bine infipte in pamant.... apoi, gandind la el ca fiind coloana a existentei mele... am desenat coloana dar nu oricum ci inaltandu-se discret, simplu si modest... asa cum era......
dorea intotdeauna sa faca lucrurile cat mai temeinic, cu multa constiinciozitate, de aceea am plasat sfera in capul coloanei....sfera e cea mai aproape forma spre perfectiune, dupa mine.... apoi am sadit acele firave, frumoase si modeste flori, de un soi nedefinit (din nou de la tata)...... le-am lasat sa creasca acolo, pe partea care a mai ramas (din mine, din tot).
iar pe partea arida nu am putut face -nu mi-a trecut altceva prin cap- decat sa fac lacrimi gigantice. sa se prelinga.......

asta e "demersul" cica artistic a desenului........ mi-am varsat of-ul si am reusit sa fac ceva in ziua aia pentru tata.....
si ca de obicei in ceea ce il priveste pe tata, ceea ce am facut pentru el s-a rasfrant in mine, alinand.

marți, 2 noiembrie 2010

marine 2

this is the second painting...
I added a detail on left to show you how "things" are changing in artificial light :D
41x33 cm, mixed media, canvas on board, oil colors....

luni, 1 noiembrie 2010

marine 1

...obsessed about whats deep in the salt waters, trying to reproduce the feeling of seing a coral reef ...
this is the one finished of the 2 variants I started to paint some time ago...
made with my usual materials + shells :D
oil colors, 33x24 cm

sâmbătă, 23 octombrie 2010

one of the last paintings finished...

the pose ...... the thoughts..... shelter... youknow.....
from struggle to life.
title: "coquillage", mixed media, oil colors, canvas on board

vineri, 22 octombrie 2010

my latest favourite& personal painting :D

22 octombrie

am sa incerc sa arunc in "eter" cateva cuvinte, din cand in cand......
am de gand sa invat un pic cum e cu postarile pe blog..... pentru ca exista momente cand as vrea sa impartasesc cate ceva din ceea ce vad, gandesc, admir.....
ce va fi scris va fi in romana sau engleza, cum mi-a fi cheful.

cristina tamas

fear... to fall in life

nature.... life

mai 2008